Living Waters: A Unifying Force
Author: Maite Rodriguez
January 16, 2014
Living Waters was a place where I was able to receive the healing I longed for. I am still in the process and that is a good sign for me that God has more in store for me. That is part of the reason I do this; I desire to share with others what God can do when we give Him permission.
I still remember vividly when I did my first Living Waters training (May 2007); I was the only Catholic in a group of 60 evangelicals from all over Latin America! Truthfully I had many reservations. I knew I needed healing but I was a little apprehensive of what was going to happen there. The Lord knew my heart. During the first ministry time He sent a Chilean pastor who prayed for me about the “unfounded fear of been there” and that “I was where I had to be and to surrender those fears”. Truly he read my mail! Through these words, the Lord confirmed that He knew best for me.
That experience opened my heart to receive the mercy I was looking for. The seed planted has blossomed in the last couple of years as I have yielded my denominational fears to the Lord. I now interact with men and women from all denominations in Latin America and the USA.
This year DSM/LW had the privilege of hosting our 1st Aguas Vivas (Living Waters) Training in Mexico: 50% Catholic, 50% Protestant. I received the applications and I was concerned! I spoke personally with most of the participants and let them know that this was an ‘interdenominational’ ministry. In Spanish we say: ‘In war we warn you of death’. In other words: ‘we told you in advance what you signed up for.’ In Latin culture, the line between Catholics and Protestants is black and white.
But God did not let us down! He heard the plea of our hearts and the prayer for unity and camaraderie. I would like to share with you some of the feedback from participants about their healing and ecumenical experiences in our training.
“The Training for me has been a huge experience of light, where I could see the action of our Lord Jesus from the Paschal mystery of his Cross and Resurrection.”
“Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Andrew and his team , Living Waters has deployed a charisma with anthropological and pastoral basis ( in small groups ), which enables praying and receiving the healing graces of our Lord Jesus in each of the broken areas of our sexuality.”
“I have marveled at the content of each course as well as by every testimony received. Real-life stories have endorsed and confirmed the veracity of such experiences. The transforming journey is real and possible.”
As an ecumenical experience:
“The Lord closed the gap for me in relation to the Baptist Church. I felt a great distance from them due to events that occurred decades ago and very recently before leaving for the training.”